NRT (Neural Reset Therapy - Upper Body)


Effortless pain relief

What is NRT?

Neural Reset Therapy® or NRT is a revolutionary treatment technique developed by Lawrence Woods (U.S.A.).

NRT works with the nervous system and resets pain in muscles, tendons, and periosteum (a membrane that covers the outer surface of all bones, except at the articular surfaces (i.e. the parts within a joint space) of long bones). It is a gentle treatment that enables resets to occur unusually fast and virtually pain-free.

Our muscles are controlled by the nervous system. Correct application of NRT resets the nervous system to release a muscle from excessive tension. With the reset, knots, pain and tightness are either greatly diminished or in most cases disappear completely. Joint mobility and posture are also improved.  


  • With the remarkably soft resets the knots, stiff muscles and pain disappear. 
  • Resets can be experienced within 5 to 30 seconds (depending on the severity of the dysfunction).
  • Noticeable improvements in joint mobility, posture and strength.
  • NRT is not an energetic or massage modality but is based on sound physiological and neurological principles.
  • Needles or oil are not used.
  • NRT can be done through thin clothing.  

After completing an NRT treatment (some practitioners use NRT with other therapies and can produce other effects), you could feel a little tired but relaxed. Your muscles could feel a little sore during the next couple of days, but that is a good sign, the body is recovering.


NRT Only (Upper body)

Are you suffering from chronic pain? Experiencing treatments with little to no relief? Why not give NRT a try? Make an appointment so we can discuss the possibilities. 

NRT treatment 60 min. / 95 Euro 

(Parking and travel rates may apply).


Things happen in life, but please remember to be courteous by making any cancellations 24 hours before our scheduled appointment if possible. Thank you.